I have to admit that training has been a little hampered by my knee issue, but I am happy to report that it has now been diagnosed! I visited an osteopath last week who told me that the knee pain and previous injuries on the same leg, were caused by pelvic misalignment, caused by poor posture.
Now I know what the problem is, and have some exercises to do, I'm hoping to be on the mend in time for marathon training to get into full swing in October.
To kick start training, I signed up for the Richmond Half on 22nd September, but am a little dubious about running 13 miles in less than a month as I haven't been able to get any long runs in for quite a while, so it may be a non starter.
On a happy note, I was very excited to see that Hampstead's Sweaty Betty has a Thursday lunch time run club, which I am definitely going to go to! I am a big fan of SB clothes and am using the forthcoming marathon as a great excuse to buy lots of lovely work out gear. Even if I can't run far, I'll look nice trying.
Running clubs are a great way to get enthusiastic about a run, especially on those days when it's a struggle to even get out of bed. I'm slightly worried about motivation as most of my training will be done in winter, and getting up in the dark or running after work in the dark and snow can be daunting! Nevertheless, knowing that the effort will translate into raising money for Burgh House will be motivation enough, I'm sure.