I love food. Since being diagnosed with irritable bowel
syndrome about 8 years ago, I’ve had a tricky relationship with it (involving
lots of trial and error, trying diets and giving up diets), but I’ve finally
found a solution that seems to work for me. I’ve learned to base my main meals
around vegetables and protein, snack on fruit and load up on carbohydrates
towards the start of the day rather than at dinner. This gives me energy for
running, but doesn’t upset my gut. I do make compromises with myself though, as
I have a real sweet tooth so eating super healthily all the time just isn’t
I’ll try to vary these ‘compromises’ and either have a
portion of carbs at dinner time, or an after dinner chocolate bar, or a scone
for breakfast, or (at the moment) a white chocolate Magnum as an afternoon
snack mmmm.... Knowing I’m allowing myself a bit of flexibility keeps me on the
right track the rest of the time and gives me something to look forward to!
The Buttery at Burgh House is the best place to get a treat.
My personal favourites are the fruit scones, which are delicious, fresh and
huge! We recommend the brownies to everyone, as they’re amazing. General
Manager Kate says she can’t eat a whole one, but I definitely could! They are
really chocolatey and gooey, and also enormous. Cakes may seem like an
unhealthy snack, but can definitely be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, and
especially when training. An article in the September Women’s Running magazine about half marathon training nutrition
says that treats should be enjoyed on a training day so that you’re burning off
some of the excess calories. I went for a run this morning so bring on the
Foodie Friday will be a regular monthly post, and I’ll be
sampling lots of the Buttery’s delicious fare and working out how I can enjoy
it as part of my marathon training nutrition!